
Unable to push to Container Registry

Hi, I am new here to the community and DigitalOcean. Recently I have been trying out the container registry just to see how it works. But I seem to be having problem publishing to it even after following the steps from digitalocean.

  1. I have created a API token with read/write permission.
  2. I have logged in to my docker CLI using docker login and put the API key for username and password.
  3. I have tagged my container naming it “
  4. My computer firewall is disabled

However, when I push to the registry, I get dial tcp connect: connection refused.

I don’t have this issue when I use Amazon’s ECR. Any idas whats going one? Here is the command I issued.

sheenlim08@lpt-linuxmint01:~/Learning/developing-with-docker/app$ docker push
The push refers to repository []
704b0df6b9fa: Pushing [==================================================>]   6.29MB
5f70bf18a086: Pushing  1.024kB
9bd6beefab12: Retrying in 1 second 
40761ef8f3e7: Pushing  3.072kB
629960860aca: Pushing [==================================================>]  3.584kB
f019278bad8b: Retrying in 5 seconds 
8ca4f4055a70: Pushing [============================================>      ]  89.17MB/101.2MB
3e207b409db3: Pushing [==================================================>]  5.879MB
dial tcp connect: connection refused

and below are the logs it generated.

sheenlim08@lpt-linuxmint01:~$ journalctl -u docker | tail -f
Apr 05 18:02:23 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:23.965741660+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed, retrying: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:24 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:24.559302299+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed, retrying: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:27 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:27.740905645+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed, retrying: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:46 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:46.234680757+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:49 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:49.175747216+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:50 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:50.923496323+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:53 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:53.441843136+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:54 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:54.313424303+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed, retrying: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:54 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:54.900419022+08:00" level=error msg="Upload failed: dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Apr 05 18:02:54 lpt-linuxmint01 dockerd[1415]: time="2023-04-05T18:02:54.900505123+08:00" level=info msg="Attempting next endpoint for push after error: dial tcp connect: connection refused"

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Accepted Answer

For those who will use this as reference, the issue end up being my laptop’s /etc/hosts file.

I removed the line for and the push to DCR was successful.

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
April 6, 2023

Hey @sheenismhaellim,

I’ll first recommend checking the following Docs Page: and also

and most importantly the ## Authenticate Using a Docker Configuration File part.

It does seem like a connection issue as well. Can you try opening the said port? I know you said your Firewall is disabled but it does seem like an issue with that

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