
Vue router 404 error on refreshing site or direct link access - DO App

Hi everyone,

I have smoothly deployed a VueJS app on a DO App as Static Site. App and routes works fine. But there is one major problem, when someone tries to access router link directly or refresh the page - app throws 404 error.

I have found in VueJS official documentation info that I should create catch-all fallback on the server side: HTML5 History Mode Unfortunately I have no clue how to implement it on DO App. Should it be some modification to App Spec file?

Anyone here have some solution for this problem?

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Sri Charan Madhavapeddi
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
January 20, 2022
Accepted Answer

Hello @askAxolotl ,

I understand that you are experiencing a 404 error on the app due to a routing issue. You have to set the catchall_document to index.html to fix this issue. There are 2 methods to set the catchall_document.


  1. Using Cloud panel UI: Log in and click on App > Settings >> click on component name > scroll down to Custom page > Edit Custom page and select Catchall > Enter index.html in the page name block > save

  2. Using App Spec: You can the catchall_document to index.html in-app spec.

Here’s the documentation link which will help you in updating your app:


We have discussed a similar issue in our community link below:

Hope this helps!

Cheers, Sri Charan

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