
what are the possible options for deploying my java application to digitalocean?

I know that I could create my own kubernetes cluster and deploy my own Java application with docker images.

however, for the most energy and cost efficient, if I do not want to use kubernestes, can I build an docker image or deploy java application as a function/serverless in digitalocean?

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Bobby Iliev
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 17, 2024
Accepted Answer

Hey @manchifish,

Great question! DigitalOcean offers several options for deploying Java applications, each catering to different needs in terms of scalability, management, and cost efficiency. If Kubernetes seems like an overkill for your requirements and you’re looking for simpler, more cost-effective solutions without sacrificing power or flexibility, here are two primary alternatives you might consider:

1. Using DigitalOcean Droplets:

Deploying your Java application on a Droplet is one of the most straightforward methods. It gives you full control over the environment and allows for a high degree of customization. Here’s why you might prefer this approach:

  • Full Control: You get root access to a virtual machine where you can install and configure any required software just as you would on your own server.
  • Flexibility: This method is highly flexible, allowing you to set up your environment exactly as needed for your application.
  • Cost-Effective: Droplets can be very cost-effective, especially for smaller applications that don’t require the scaling capabilities of Kubernetes or other orchestration tools.

To deploy a Java application on a Droplet, you would typically:

  • Create a new Droplet that meets your application’s resource requirements.
  • Set up the Java environment on the Droplet by installing the Java Development Kit (JDK).
  • Deploy your application, either by copying your JAR/WAR files directly to the Droplet or by using a CI/CD pipeline for automation.
  • Configure your web server (e.g., Nginx or Apache) to serve your application, if necessary.
  • Ensure your application starts automatically by setting it up as a systemd service or using another method.

If you’ve already Dockerized your app, you can run your containers on a Droplet as well:

2. Using DigitalOcean App Platform:

The DigitalOcean App Platform is an excellent choice for developers looking to deploy applications quickly and efficiently without managing the underlying infrastructure. Here’s why the App Platform might be right for your Java application:

  • Simplicity: The App Platform simplifies deployments. You can deploy directly from your GitHub repository, and DigitalOcean handles the rest, from SSL certificate provisioning to automatic deployments.
  • Scalability: It automatically scales your application based on traffic, ensuring your app remains available and responsive without manual intervention.
  • Serverless Functions: For parts of your application that might benefit from a serverless architecture, the App Platform supports serverless functions. This can be particularly useful for handling specific tasks that don’t require a full-blown server to run. Though Java is not supported as a runtime for the serverless functions offering.
  • Cost and Energy Efficiency: The platform is designed to be cost-effective, automatically managing resources to ensure you’re only paying for what you use.

To deploy a Java application on the App Platform:

  • Create an app in the DigitalOcean App Platform and link your GitHub repository.
  • Configure your app to use your existing Dockerfile.
  • Deploy your app. DigitalOcean will build your application from the source code and deploy it.

Both options have their unique advantages. If you prefer complete control over your environment and perhaps anticipate needing to customize the server extensively, going with a Droplet might be the best route. On the other hand, if you want to focus more on your application code rather than on managing servers and infrastructure, the App Platform offers a powerful, straightforward alternative.

Best of luck with your Java application deployment!



Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
February 16, 2024

Heya @manchifish,

That is what DigitalOcean App platform is for. It’s designed for situations just like yours. You can create a Dockerfile put all you need in there and have it run on App Platform.

Check these docs out:

It does sound like exactly what you need!

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