
What type of DigitalOcean plan should I get given that ...

Hi, I’m having a hard time deciphering DigitalOcean’s pricing plans, which maybe should be a red flag, but I’ll ask my question anyway. I have a site for data analysis, that most likely only me and a few other folks will use. The site will use RubyOnRails 4 and PostGres 9.5. However, the site will require a lot of database space, at least in terms of rows. Likely I will need about 25 million rows of data. This would be the equivalent of about 4 GB of space. What type of plan should I get and what is the approximate monthly cost?

Thanks, - Dave

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If your app takes 4 GB of disk space even $5 Droplet will do, but it only have 512 MB RAM, which can make problem if your app is RAM intensive. Your main concern should be RAM usage of the app. If your app runs out of RAM, you are risking of it being killed. You should select your Droplet size by how much RAM you need.

If your app groves or you need more RAM/CPU, you can always upgrade you Droplet which will give you more space (keep in mind, once you select droplet with more disk space, you can’t downgrade to previous).

If you run out of disk space but you’re OK with RAM/CPU you have, you can consider Block Storage. Block Storage will allow you to create volume with space starting from 1 GB, to maximum of 16 TB. You use it normally like any other disk, which you can attach/detach and resize anymore. You can learn more about Block Storage here.

hello, currently we have our web application which is hosted at planethoster, and we are looking for a space provider to store our images and videos, and retrieve their links in our laravel project. question :

  1. is it possible to rent only storage space on your platform?
  2. if yes to the first question, what is the maximum size available?
  3. I would like to have more detailed explanations on the transfer of outgoing data
Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
November 12, 2021

Hello, all

Choosing the right Droplet plan depends on your workload. An oversized Droplet would underuse its resources and cost more, but an undersized Droplet running at full CPU or memory would suffer from degraded performance or errors.

You can also resize a Droplet to a larger plan after creation, including resizing to a larger Droplet plan of a different kind. For example, you can resize from a Basic Droplet plan to a larger CPU-Optimized Droplet plan. See the Droplet pricing page for a full list of plans and prices.

You can always check our tutorial on Choosing the Right Droplet Plan

Hope that this helps! Regards, Alex

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