
What will happen after EOL of CoreOS?


since our company is currently relying heavily on CoreOS and the EOL will come next week, I wanted to know what will happen further on, how far has the implementation of the successor “Fedora CoreOS” on your side progressed already, since I can’t find anything on the side of Fedora about Digital Ocean, only other hosting providers, like AWS, Azure or similar are mentioned there.

Also, will we still be able to create new Droplets with the last CoreOS Container Linux version, or will those be removed upon its EOL?

Warm regards, Zoran from Ganescha Labs

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May 18, 2020
Accepted Answer

Hi @zomilanovic,

Once CoreOS Container Linux has reached its end of life, we will only allow creates via the API for a 30 day period after which we will effectively “retire” the image. If you will need to create a Droplet after that 30 day period, the safest option would be to create a snapshot of a CoreOS droplet so that you can still make new Droplets after that period. It should be noted however, that after September 1st the CoreUpdate servers will be shut down.

We do not have a timeline right now for when a Fedora CoreOS will be available base image. The Fedora website has a quickstart that shows the steps to create a Fedora CoreOS Droplet with Digital Ocean’s custom images feature. Many users have also reported success using Flatcar Container Linux as a replacement for CoreOS Container Linux. We strongly urge you to engage with your engineering org to determine the most suitable migration plan for your organization’s needs.

Regards, KDSys

I know it’s a last year post but, one year later we don´t have CoreOS anymore and have no usable option, since old RancherOS 1.x is not really an option.

I’m migrating to DO now and started to use custom image with Flatcar Linux and it’s working vary well already.

So, since Kinvolk is now part of Microsoft, I guess Flatcar Linux have a shine road ahead already and I wish DO could add it as a real option under Container distributions.

Doc: Running Flatcar Container Linux on DigitalOcean

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