My droplets are in NYC1 data center, but I need my solution to be PCI compliant. Do I have to move them to NYC2 or NYC3? They are all setup with firewall rules, private networking, volumes mounted, etc. Not a small task to move them all to a different data center.
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Hello, @jeff93eceb16c6f
If you are able to wait a couple months, I would recommend holding off on transferring your resources over to NYC2 or NYC3.
PCI Compliance paperwork for NYC1 has hit some COVID-related delays, but is imminent.
I will ping you here when the update is available.
You can check the Datacenter colocation attestations & certifications using this link:
To request an NDA for a SOC report/certificate listed below, or if you have any other compliance-related questions please contact our Customer Support team -
Hope this helps!
Regards, Alex
Hello there,
I’m sorry for the delayed response. Here on this link you can check the PCI DSS compliance for NYC1:
Hope this helps! Regards, Alex