
Why certain domains is not propagating?

I have a total of 5 domains in my droplet setup the same exact way, but only 3 of them is working correctly. I have been having a hard time getting 2 of my domains propagating to all servers.

So I’ll use one of them as example for this post.

As you can see there is a few servers that does not want to propagate. I sent a support ticket to digitalocean and all they told me is that “It’s a propagation issue” which hasn’t helped me solve the problem.



Note; I added this domain to my droplet a week ago and it has been more than 48h, plenty of time to propagate. My other domain tha tis not propagating correctly has been more than 3 months

Other domains that is working on the same droplet configure the same exact way:

This is driving me nuts for a long time, what could be happening here? Any help to point me to the right direction will be highly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Accepted Answer

Finally figured out the problem…

Looks like I had DNSSEC enabled at the registrar and not configured at my server. Disabling DNSSEC was the trick, hope this helps others out there.

Thank you!

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
August 26, 2019


I can see that the DNS is still “pushing” its way through some of the countries shown in the DNS checker site. I believe this should be sorted soon. DNS changes might take up to 48 hours, although they usually happen a lot faster.

Keep in mind that there is not much you can do as the ISPs all over the world need to clear their DNS cache as well in order your domain name to fully resolve and the DNS to propagate.


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