
Why do my inbound rules keep resetting

I have created a Kubernetes Cluster. All works fine, however I needed to add an inbound rule to the firewall that it created in order to allow HTTPS.

But after a while my rules keep resetting and my added HTTPS rule disappears.

Why does this happen?


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John Kwiatkoski
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
October 14, 2019
Accepted Answer

Hi there!

The cloud resources(volumes/Load Balancers/Firewall) created by DOKS are not intended to be manually modified/renamed. If there are manual modifications made to a cloud resource’s settings, the reconciler will overwrite them. What you can do is layer another firewall applying to the same machines, and allow the port you want. This works because our firewalls are whitelist based.


John Kwiatkoski Senior Developer Support Engineer

I came across this same issue. The Stackoverflow link that @pauld4a9948e1aeb9bea3759d1 provided was insightful but not really what I was looking for.

I wanted to use the load balancer provided by DigitalOcean, whereas the Stackoverflow link was about exposing ports without a load balancer.

I ended up reaching out to DO’s support regarding this issue and they confirmed that the settings for a Load Balancer should not be modified manually. Instead, you should change the configuration file you execute on deployment. Here is a link for more info.

I implemented the SSL Certificates, Forced SSL Connection, and Name sections.

I just tested with a new deployment, the old load balancer was not destroyed. I will monitor and see when the new one gets created. I will try to post an update once that happens.

This great answer on Stackoverflow solved this for me. This should be a tutorial on DO as its the right way to setup external DNS with firewall control.

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