
Why DO storage optimized droplets expensive compared to AWS, GCP?

I was comparing DO storage optimized droplet largest instance to AWS, GCP counterparts which you can see below.

DO storage optimized droplet

  • Memory : 256GB
  • CPUs : 32 vCPUs
  • Storage : 7.03TB SSD
  • Net interface speed : probably 2 GB/s
  • Data Transfer Out: 10TB
  • Cost / mo = $ 2,480


Instance Name : i3.x8large

  • Memory : 244 GB
  • CPUs : 32 vCPUs
  • Storage : 4 x 1900 NVMe SSD = 7.6 TB
  • Net interface speed :10 Gigabit
  • Data transfer out : 10 TB
  • Cost / mo = $ 2,388.62 (1 year no upfront reserve)


Instance type : n2-highmem-32

  • Memory : 256 GB
  • CPUs : 32 vCPUs
  • Storage : 24 x 375 SSD = 9 TB
  • Net interface speed : 7 GBs to the internet
  • Data transfer out : 10 TB (standard tier)
  • Cost / mo = $ 2,168.08 (1 year commitment)

As you can see DO storage optimized droplet is expensive compared to GCP, AWS instances. If you go with same AWS instance with 1 year full or partial upfront reserve things get more cheaper. I expected DO to be cheaper compared to AWS and GCP. Am I missing something here?

Another problem I see with DO droplets is network interface speed.

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Chris Shih
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
February 3, 2021
Accepted Answer

Great question! At this time DO only offers what would be equivalent to On-Demand pricing.

Comparison of On-Demand Pricing:

With the same specs as above (using US East), that puts the comparable prices for AWS at $2,744/mo (DO is a 9.6% discount) and for GCP at $2,815/mo (DO is a 11.9% discount) note: GCP prices include a 20% sustained use discount.

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