
All pods scheduled on a single node. How do I balance pods on managed Kubernetes?

I have a managed Kubernetes cluster with 2 nodes and around 50 deployments/pods. However, all 50 pods are scheduled on a single node while the other node is completely empty.

How do I get the scheduler to schedule new pods on the node with more free resources? How do I evenly distribute the pods now?

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Accepted Answer

Try using podAntiAffinity or podAffinity in your deployment

I’ve noticed that this issue is definitely something real that kubernetes starting to avoid certain node or it will release most of the pods on the same node. But it is happening when user will scale down and up, executing command “kubectl scale” one after another, in short intervals. But if you give it some time problem seems to disappear - it is scaling evenly.

So at the end if you releasing or scaling normally with natural intervals (not many times per minute) it is more likely to distribute pods evenly.

That’s my observation - not sure if this is some general rule. So my conclusion is to just stop fighting with k8s :)

I hope it helped.

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