After two days of attempting to get an SSL installed on my droplet, I’m reaching out for help. I will be glad to drop a few dollars to anyone that can help me get this completed.
I have a droplet running Rocket.Chat and it’s not displaying on our website due to mixed-content from this droplet not being secured.
I have setup a SSL cert using which uses Let’s Encrypt certs. I downloaded the three files (key, chain, cert), but I’m not sure what to do with them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ll monitor this thread but also can be contacted at
Thanks, David
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As of this reply, everything should be in working order and I believe @dkornahrens is satisfied with the results of the work performed.
Quick Overview
NGINX was setup as a reverse proxy to handle requests for two NodeJS applications. We also setup a few SSL certificates and then verified their configuration & status by running them through Qualys SSL Labs (link:
Both applications are now setup to run on Port 443 by default (HTTP) with automatic redirects from Port 80 to Port 443 with added protected provided by CloudFlare.
It was a pleasure working with @dkornahrens – no monetary donation was taken, despite the offer (which I very much appreciate). Just glad to be able to help and also meet someone new!
@jtittle Thank you for the response. I just emailed you back.
** Also, this is my first community request and I appreciate all the responses I have gotten so far.
@jtittle While we are still working on this problem, I am confident in @jtittle expertise. I am extremely thankful for him and the quickness of the DO Community board.