
Disable auto-deploy on Apps platform for certain commits

I am using the Apps platform to deploy a Statamic site, and I have trouble customizing the Github connection for my needs.

Statamic is a CMS framework built on top of Laravel, which uses a flat-file system to store its content. Statamic offers a Git integration that uses automatic commits when users make changes to the content. So my problem with the Apps platform, is that it makes an auto-deploy every time a new commit appears in the repository. So if I set up the Git integration in Statamic every time a user changes the content it would make an unnecessary deployment.

The official Statamic documentation recommends to customize the automatic commit messages and update the deploy script to ignore these type of commits. I checked the official Digital Ocean docs about the options I can use in the Apps spec file but couldn’t find anything useful.

I see I can set deploy_on_push to false to have full control over the deployment, but it’s not the most ideal solution for my problem.

Is there anything I can do to make this work automatically?

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Jon Friesen
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
February 8, 2021
Accepted Answer

👋 @adamtroll

Interesting use-case! Here’s a possible solution:

Create another branch (eg. production) and set that as the auto-deploy branch in App Platform. Then configure your statamic git integration to pull from your default branch (eg. main or master).

This way content changes will be push into the default and pulled by statamic automatically without triggering a rebuild on App Platform. When changes that require a rebuild a merge to the production branch will trigger that.

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