
How to update php.ini on a digitalocean app

I’ve deployed a PHP app on digitalocean app and I need to increase the post file size and upload the max file size limit. but I can’t access the php.ini or create a working .htaccess file. Will really appreciate your help.

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Dikshith Shetty
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
September 19, 2021
Accepted Answer

Hey @sergiowilliomes ,

The easiest way to edit the php.ini settings is to add a .user.ini file to your codebase with the following lines in it. These lines will set the values for post_max_size and upload_max_filesize explicitly:


Alternatively, you could update your run command to be prefixed with the below command:

echo 'post_max_size=20M' >> .user.ini && echo 'upload_max_filesize=5M' >> .user.ini && heroku-php-apache2



I had facing this issue for quite sometimes for my Laravel’s app that deployed using Digital Ocean App Platform. Based on many suggestion I found, creating .user.ini in my public directory is the only way possible. Inside it, I amend the directives values accordingly.

For instance this is the values I used:


Other than these values, there are few others such as file_uploads, upload_tmp_dir, post_max_size, and memory_limit. I found these related directives to achieve larger file upload is from this article: 3.2. PHP Directives Related to (Large) File Upload

Hope this answer complements other answers and confirming the solution that works on this time.

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
October 2, 2022

Hello there,

PHP applications on App Platform use PHP-FPM in conjunction with Apache (or Nginx if you choose to use it)—the webserver would accept all incoming requests and forward PHP requests to PHP-FPM which actually executes them. You’ll want to increase the max upload size there. You can do that by adding a .user.ini file at the root of your app’s document root (in the same directory where you would put an .htaccess file. Usually this will be the public directory) with something like this:

post_max_size = 20M
upload_max_filesize = 5M

post_max_size controls the maximum POST requests body size, while upload_max_filesize controls the maximum allowed size of a single file in an upload request.

For more info, you can refer to the Heroku PHP Buildpack documentation.

You can check the original answer from Kamal here as well:


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