I created a nodejs web service which should be listening via socket from outside on one TCP port (let’s say 5000) which also serves via another websocket (port 3000) and updates a frontend.
I’ve seen the app spec documentation but I can only open up 1 port from outside with http_port
Is it possible to open two external ports?
Thank you in advance and best regards
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Hi, it’s currently not possible to expose multiple external ports on a Service. If it works with your setup you could use the same websocket server and put the existing servers under separate path prefixes.
Hey @musantrobeatsdev,
I took a look at some google searches and found this one
So basically, you do the following:
You create two HTTP instances and write two different requests. You can then test with curl.
Let me know if that helps!
Best, Dennis
Please consider allowing App Service to expose multiple ports.