Hi, I working for a client and have a droplet for testing purposes. I was wondering if there is a way to transfer the droplet to the account of my client? The setup is WordPress /w WooComerce on LAMP
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Hello all,
Currently, we do not support directly transferring Droplets between regions, users or accounts. However, It is possible to transfer Droplet Snapshots. If backups are enabled on your Droplet, you can convert a backup to a Snapshot. If not, you will need to manually create a Snapshot of your Droplet.
Creating a snapshot of your droplet:
Once the Snapshot has been created, you can add the Snapshot to alternate regions. After you’ve done so, you will have those regions as an option when creating a Droplet from the Snapshot.
For more information on transferring Snapshots between users or team accounts you can read here:
Hope that this helps! Regards, Alex
I have found a solution. I swapped my unwanted droplets with a team, which is also used by my former company. Then, I removed myself from the team. So it’s glued to them. I do not see any droplet of the team in my dashboard. Easy…
I confirm there is no option to transfer a Droplet without changing the IP address and causing a disruption in the service to your customers.
So, if you need to plan future ownership swappings, beware in choosing Digital Ocean. For every other thing I tryed now, on the contrary, Digital Ocean is awesome and worth moving to them.
Angelo Maragna