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Visit site is Server Management platform where you can manage websites, SSH User, Firewall, etc. - Server Management Panel

Product Detail: is Server Management Platform where you can manage servers (VPS) of DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, AWS, etc. with an easy interface and better security.

Product Video: Check how to Migrate to in 4 minutes :-

Some features :-

  • Install LAMP, LEMP, LEMP With Microcache, Varnish, Nginx Reverse Proxy
  • 1 Click SSL / HTTPS,
  • 1 Click Wordpress / Opencart / Laravel Install,
  • Website Management,
  • Database Management,
  • User Management,
  • Firewall Management
  • Git Deployment for Developers,
  • 1 Click http to https,
  • 1 click www or non www,
  • 1 click redirect website,
  • 1 click disable/enable website,
  • Advanced Firewall Security
  • Remote Desktop Option
  • PHPMyAdmin
  • Fail2ban, Monit Install for Security and Monitoring
  • Disk Cleaner to free up your disk space
  • 20+ logs to check whats wrong with your server
  • Local Backups so that if you are trying some plugin which might hack/damage your site then you can restore the backup. Good for developers and testers.
  • Also every app/website under different user is isolated. Thus if your 1 website gets hacked due to bad plugin it wont effect other websites.
  • Also you can keep different php settings for every app/website. E.g. you can disable some functions like CURL or EXEC of PHP and thus incase anyone hacks your website and uploads shell, shell wont be able to run system level function and thus you can keep your server safe.
  • and many more…

Also your servers are optimized for SEO and Performance

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