
App Platform priorities and roadmaps


I was just wondering how the App Platform is prioritized at Digital Ocean at the moment.

Here is my reasoning for asking:

I know there are a lot of requested features. e.g. allowing the App Platform as a trusted source for managed databases. This security feature has been requested since the App Platform was released to the public in October 2020 and is a deal breaker for many as they can not run production apps on the App Platform.

Looking at the release notes for the App Platform it seems like there has not been any changes (except one on June 2nd) since February 25th. See

Is this correct or are the changelog not updated to reflect the changes that have been made the last 4 months?

Can we except more activity on the App Platform service than this in the future? Are you working on some bigger features for the App Platform that takes time? Is the App Platform no longer prioritized at DO or at least not a priority right now?

Thanks, just trying to look into my magic 8ball here…

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Jon Friesen
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
June 21, 2021
Accepted Answer

👋 @internettum

Thanks for reaching out! You guessed right, we are working on some pretty big features that will all be coming out in the near future. I can’t give you exact release dates, but you should see some announcements soon. One of these features is support for trusted sources (I’m one of the engineers working on this)! In addition, we have some work around notifications and alerting, as well as deployment management in the works.

Sri Charan Madhavapeddi
DigitalOcean Employee
DigitalOcean Employee badge
August 11, 2021

Hello all,

We now have this feature of Trusted sources on App Platform. Refer to below link for more insights:

Hope this helps!

Cheers, Sri Charan

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