Can I use Litestream SQLite replication with App Platform and DigitalOcean Spaces?
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👋 Hey! Great question, currently SQLite replication with Litestream and DO Spaces will not work, though it should be supported in a future update.
To provide a bit more detail, App Platform runs apps and builds on top of gVisor using a virtual file system (VFS). The version of VFS being used does not support the
syscall which is required for SQLite to use the write ahead logs (WAL).The good news is that in VFS2 this syscall is supported and we expect SQLite WAL should work, and in addition,
Is this still not possible?
Hey this is something that I am running into. I’d love to keep using the DigitalOcean app platform, but I really want to be able to persist sqlite on object storage. Even if it only works with DO Spaces that would be fine.