According to ScyllaDB hardware requirements it needs network interface speed of 10 - 56 GB/s for production work loads, but as far as I know currently all droplets have 2 GB/s network interfaces which is too slow for ScyllaDB production requirements.
There is already request to support high bandwidth network interfaces here.
Is there any way we can overcome this network interface limitation on DO? Does droplets like CPU / memory / storage optimized have high bandwidth network interfaces? If so how much?
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Hi! I’m honestly am not very familiar with ScyllaDB, but do know that our network speed is 2 GB/s for both Basic droplets and Dedicated droplets (General Purpose, CPU optimized, Mem optimized, Storage optimized).
Scylla can run with lower requirements, it depends on the workload and the size of your droplet. A small VM can be just fine with 2 GB/s. Always use the grafana monitoring stack and you can observe the network utilization and check it isn’t the bottleneck
Premium Intel CPU Optimized Droplets are now available with 10 GBPS network speed