
Confused Why My App Deploy/Build Failed

My build seems to have worked, it installed my app and it says build complete.

Under Activity > Deployment > Logs > Build Logs there is a check next to service, and the logs say ✔ build complete in green.

Under Activity > Deployment > Logs > Deploy Logs there’s a red [!], and after I ran it it said it failed to deploy. But in these logs, I see the normal logs from my app starting up and even starting to work, but then it ends with no error or anything.

Why did it say it failed if my app seemed to be working normally and shows no error?

I did find it strange that it said the build was in progress after my app had already started, so maybe I configured something wrong, like it expects a build script that ends once it’s ready or something?

This is for a discord bot using node.js that will run continuously.

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Accepted Answer

I have solved this.

The problem is it was configured to be a web server, and they were performing an automatic health check after 90 seconds to see if my server responded, which it did not because it is not a server, so it killed the app.

I was not aware there are different types of apps, and one can be a worker without a web server, which is what I need. After switching to this resource type, it is now running just fine.

Hi I am experiencing the same issue on a swift Vapor project that was running fine until now.

  • Deploy runs
  • [2024-03-21 17:55:45] [ NOTICE ] Server starting on (Vapor/HTTPServer.swift:298) [] And then deploy fails and I get the rollback dance.

No idea what is happening :/ Is there a way to get some help @KFSys ?

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
January 21, 2024

Heya @skeddtemp,

That’s really weird.

By saing it’s starting to work, do you mean it works and as soon as you open your app it fails or it says it’s working for sometime and it fails without any interaction?

As soon as it fails do you see anything in the logs?

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