Hi, as the title says i want to make clone from my wordpress website on the same droplet, but in different directory and database so i can test plugins and other coding stuff. Can you help me please? Thanks
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Yes, that would be possible.
Let’s assume following setup: You have WP in
WP database is calledwordpress
User for that database iswordpressuser
identified bypassword
.First you need to copy
directory somewhere else. Let’s create folderclone
and copyhtml
there.Enter clone and verify you have
with files there.Make sure permissions are right, i.e.:
Verify WP permissions too.
If everything is there, we need to setup Apache to use it. I would setup a subdomain for it.
We will make subdomain
for it. Make CNAME record in DNS settingstest
.Now, we need Apache Virtual Host. This tutorial will help you. Basically, as you already have directory setup, just create second VHost and enable it.
You need to “clone” database. First create new database and give privileges to it. Login to MySQL:
Enter password when asked and press ENTER.
Create database:
And create new user or give privileges to existing one:
Update privileges:
Exit MySQL prompt:
Make a backup of current database:
This will create database dump in your home folder. Open it with any text editor:
And on top of it add:
Save it and exit editor. Run that file using:
For last step we need to update WordPress clone config. Open
for clone:Make sure you set database name to
and verify user used for it. Save it and exit. Go tohttp://test.example.com/wp-login.php
. Login, go to Settings -> General, update URLs, save and you are good to go.Good luck, I hope this will work for you, if you have any questions or problems, ask, we will try to help you :)
Omg!!! Thanks man, you saved me a lot of headaches, for days i was trying to make this work. At first i tried www.example.com/testsite but i was having so much trouble with importing the database, tried duplicator but it was not working, and on my local PC it worked but that is another story :) . I was sceptical for using the USE wordpressclone; because i didn’t know what will happen, but i know that i learned so much from your help!!!
I know that your guide will ease so much headaches for other people too :))) Thanks again and have a nice day!!!
Just one question, how the variables for the PATH in the database changed ? I mean the path to the images and stuff, i really don’t get that. Please post some link so i can learn a little bit :)