Hello DigitalOcean,
I have an issue with my droplet. It is currently using Ubuntu 18.10 and I wanted to update to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, so I decided to shut it down and take a snapshot. When I took the snapshot, I booted the droplet, but unfortunately after restarting. I can’t log in with SSH Key. Apache is running but I can’t access the IP via the browser too (it results in connection timed out). It shows on the droplet status that it is running but the web page is not working. I decided to restore the snapshot to the droplet but it won’t work.
Please help me find out what is going wrong, my website is off since soon 48hours, I contacted DO still no response.
Thanks, Franz
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After 3 days of struggle, I finally solved it. It is similar to this issue https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/no-internet-connection-after-droplet-reboot from @lukasea17033bb7e7ecf80fc21
Thanks, Franz
Same issue on Fedora 33. While taking snapshot, this happened.
My /etc/resolv.conf:
What’s the solution for this? Rebooting the droplet doesn’t help.
Hi @rigledev,
You can use your droplet’s console. The console can be found in your Control Panel --> Droplet’s settings —> Access --> Launch Console.
From there you can try typing in
To see if it would start if it would give you an error.
Once you have the error, you should be able to resolve it with a quick search. If the error is not something you have access to fix, it would be best to see the response of DigitalOcean’s support. Having said that, please do try to restart your network from your console.
Regards, KFSys