Purchased & received a .ZIP file containing image.MF, image.OVF & image.VMDK files from SolarWinds; it’s a threat monitor collector (for the Cloud). These files are sized 241 bytes, 8K and 992MB uncompressed respectively. The digital ocean documentation for custom images clearly states that a .VMDK is a valid type, and the size of the image is certainly less than the maximum upload size of 100GB.
I’ve attempted to upload the .VMDK 2-3 times, each time failing with the message that the file exceeds the 100GB limit which it obviously is not. I’m at a loss, as this shouldn’t be an issue and work as advertised. I have no idea what may or may not be taking place.
Am I missing something here?
Any help or constructive criticism is greatly encouraged and welcomed. Thanx so much in advance for any/all assistance in the matter.
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The 100 GB limit for custom images applies to the virtual disk inside the image as well as the file size. For example, this vmdk file is only 5.7G:
while its filesystem is 500G: