
Question for Digital Ocean

Can DigitalOcean host a construction websites? Can anyone help me?

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Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
April 26, 2023
Accepted Answer

Heya @sandydarkblueray,

You can host any website you want on DigitalOcean as long as it’s legal, nothing else to worry about.

You can use one of the Droplets in the MarketPlace to get a preconfigured droplet like WordPress, Magento, Laravel etc:

That way you won’t have to configure anything on your Droplet and it will work out of the box.

Site Moderator
Site Moderator badge
May 12, 2023

Hello there,

Our Acceptable Use Policy is a good place to start with something like this. From the ‘No Illegal, Harmful, or Offensive Use or Content’ section, we do not permit the following:

Illegal Activities. Any illegal activities, including advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available gambling sites or services or disseminating, promoting, or facilitating child pornography or otherwise unlawfully exploiting persons under 18 years of age.

However, if you’re at all unsure about whether you’d be okay running your site, the best place to ask is our support system so that the question can be correctly routed to the folks that know the answer for sure.

Hope that helps!

It can host any website that can run on Linux. The content of the website doesn’t matter. I mean, don’t host anything illegal or infringing, but the content of the site doesn’t really matter otherwise.

If the website needs to do backend processing, plan appropriately - pick a droplet that has the resources you need given the number of users you expect to hit your site. The beauty of cloud hosting though is that you can always expand as you grow.

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