
How To Migrate Redis Data to a DigitalOcean Managed Database

Updated on August 17, 2020

Manager, Developer Education

How To Migrate Redis Data to a DigitalOcean Managed Database


When looking to migrate data from one Redis instance to another, there are a number of methods one could employ, such as replication or snapshotting. However, migrations can get more complicated when you’re moving data to a Redis instance managed by a cloud provider, as managed databases often limit how much control you have over the database’s configuration.

This tutorial outlines one method you can use to migrate data to a Redis instance managed by DigitalOcean. The method involves creating a Bash script that uses Redis’s internal migrate command to securely pass data through a TLS tunnel configured with stunnel. This guide will also go over a few other commonly-used migration strategies and why they’re problematic when migrating to a DigitalOcean Managed Database.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  • One server running Ubuntu 18.04. This server should have a user configured with administrative privileges and a firewall set up with ufw. To set up this environment, follow our initial server setup guide for Ubuntu 18.04.
  • Redis version 4.0.7 or newer installed on your server. To set this up, follow Step 1 of our guide on How To Install and Secure Redis on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • A Redis instance managed by DigitalOcean. To provision one, see our Managed Redis Product Documentation.
  • Stunnel, an open-source proxy used to create TLS tunnels between machines, installed on your server and configured to maintain a secure connection with your Managed Redis Database. This is necessary because DigitalOcean Managed Databases require connections to be made securely over TLS. Complete our tutorial on How To Connect to a Managed Redis Instance over TLS with Stunnel and redis-cli to set this up. Please note, however, that you do not need to install the redis-tools package in Step 1, since you will have already installed redis-cli when you installed Redis in the previous prerequisite tutorial.

Note: To help keep things clear, this guide will refer to the Redis instance hosted on your Ubuntu server as the “source.” Likewise, it will refer to the instance managed by DigitalOcean as either the “target” or the “Managed Database.”

Things To Consider When Migrating Redis Data to a Managed Database

There are several methods you can employ to migrate data from one Redis instance to another. However, some of these approaches present problems when you’re migrating data to a Redis instance managed by DigitalOcean.

For example, you can use replication to turn your target Redis instance into an exact copy of the source. To do this, you would connect to the target Redis server and run the replicaof command with the following syntax:

  1. replicaof source_hostname_or_ip source_port

This will cause the target instance to replicate all the data held on the source without destroying any data that was previously stored on it. Following this, you would promote the replica back to being a primary instance with the following command:

  1. replicaof no one

Another method for migrating Redis data is to take a snapshot of the data held on your source instance with either Redis’s save or bgsave commands. Both of these commands export the snapshot to a file ending in .rdb, which you would then transfer to the target server. Following that, you’d restart the Redis service so it can load the data.

However, each of these three commands — replicaof, save, and bgsave — are disabled on DigitalOcean Managed Databases. These, among other disabled commands, require advanced privileges or access to the managed database server’s underlying file system, making them impractical for a managed database solution. Because of this, DigitalOcean, like other managed database providers, restricts access to these commands, making the associated migration methods impossible.

Because DigitalOcean’s Managed Databases disallow both replication and snapshotting as means of migrating data, this tutorial will instead use Redis’s migrate command to move data from the source to the target. The migrate command is designed to only move one key at a time, but this tutorial will use a Bash script to migrate an entire Redis database automatically.

Step 1 — (Optional) Loading Your Source Redis Instance with Sample Data

This optional step involves loading your source Redis instance with some sample data so you can experiment with migrating data to your Managed Redis Database. If you already have data that you want to migrate over to your target instance, you can move ahead to Step 2.

To begin, run the following command to access your Redis server:

  1. redis-cli

If you’ve configured your Redis server to require password authentication, run the auth command followed by your Redis password:

  1. auth password

Then run the following commands. These will create a number of keys holding strings, plus one key holding a hash, one holding a list, and one a set:

  1. mset string1 "Redis" string2 "is" string3 "fun!"
  2. mset string4 "Redis" string5 "is" string6 "fast!"
  3. mset string7 "Redis" string8 "is" string9 "feature-rich!"
  4. mset string10 "Redis" string11 "has" string12 "fantastic documentation!"
  5. mset string13 "Redis" string14 "is" string15 "free and open-source!"
  6. mset string16 "Redis" string17 "has many" string18 "data types."
  7. mset string19 "Redis" string20 "allows" string21 "strings."
  8. hmset hash1 field1 "Redis" field2 "allows" field3 "hashes."
  9. rpush list1 "Redis" "also" "allows" "lists."
  10. sadd set1 "It" "even" "allows" "sets."

Additionally, run the following expire commands to provide a few of these keys with a timeout. This will make them volatile, meaning that Redis will delete them after the specified amount of time, 7500 seconds:

  1. expire string2 7500
  2. expire hash1 7500
  3. expire set1 7500

With that, you have some example data you can export to your target Redis instance. You can keep the redis-cli prompt open for now, since you will run a few more commands from it in the next step in order to back up this data.

Step 2 — Backing Up Your Data

Previously, this tutorial discussed using Redis’s bgsave command to take a snapshot of a Redis database and migrate it to another instance. While we won’t use bgsave as a means of migrating Redis data, we will use it here to back up the data in case we encounter an error during the migration process.

If you don’t already have it open, start by opening up the Redis command line interface:

  1. redis-cli

Also, if you’ve configured your Redis server to require password authentication, run the auth command followed by your Redis password:

  1. auth password

Next, run the bgsave command. This will create a snapshot of your current data set and export it to a dump file whose name ends in .rdb:

  1. bgsave

Note: As mentioned in the previous Things To Consider section, you can take a snapshot of your Redis database with either the save or bgsave commands. The reason we use the bgsave command here is that the save command runs synchronously, meaning it will block any other clients connected to the database. Because of this, the save command documentation recommends that this command should almost never be run in a production environment.

Instead, it suggests using the bgsave command, which runs asynchronously. This will cause Redis to fork the database into two processes: the parent process will continue to serve clients while the child saves the database before exiting.

Note that if clients add or modify data while the bgsave operation is running or after it finishes, these changes won’t be captured in the snapshot.

Following that, you can close the connection to your Redis instance by running the exit command:

  1. exit

You can find this dump file in your Redis installation’s working directory. If you’re not sure which directory this is, you can check by opening up your Redis configuration file with your preferred text editor. Here, we’ll use nano:

  1. sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf

Navigate to the line that begins with dbfilename. It will look like this by default:

. . .
# The filename where to dump the DB
dbfilename dump.rdb
. . .

This directive defines the file to which Redis will export snapshots. The next line (after any comments) will look like this:

. . .
dir /var/lib/redis
. . .

The dir directive defines Redis’s working directory where any Redis snapshots are stored. By default, this is set to /var/lib/redis as shown in the example.

Close the redis.conf file. Assuming you didn’t make any changes to the file, you can do so by pressing CTRL+X.

Then, list the contents of your Redis working directory to confirm that it’s holding the exported data dump file:

  1. sudo ls /var/lib/redis

If the dump file was exported correctly, you will see it in this command’s output:


Once you’ve confirmed that you successfully backed up your data, you can begin the process of migrating it to your Managed Database.

Step 3 — Building the Migration Script

Recall that this guide uses Redis’s internal migrate command to move keys one by one from the source database to the target. However, unlike previous steps of this tutorial, you won’t run this command from the redis-cli prompt. Instead, you’ll write a Bash script that, when invoked, will allow you to migrate all the keys from your source Redis instance to your managed one with a single command.

Note: If you have clients writing data to your source Redis instance, now would be a good time to configure them to also write data to your Managed Database. This way, you can migrate the existing data from the source to your target without losing any writes that occur after the migration.

Also, be aware that this migration script will not replace any existing keys on the target database unless one of the existing keys has the same name as a key you’re migrating.

Open a new file named redis-migrate.sh:

  1. nano redis-migrate.sh

At the top of the file, add a shebang. This is a sequence of characters that lets your server know that the the script should be executed with the bash shell:


set allows you to set or unset certain environmental variables. This will be useful for this script, because we’ll use it to protect against a few potential pitfalls.

Below the shebang, add the following set command:

set -euo pipefail

This includes the e option, which will cause the script to exit immediately if any command within it exits with a non-zero status, and the u option. set’s u flag will tell the script to treat any unset variables as errors that force it to exit. This will be useful for our purposes, as this script will require user input.

The last flag, o allows you to set a variety of parameters. Here, set the pipefail option. In *nix systems, pipes (|) are used to pass the output of one command as input into another. For example:

echo “Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.” | grep diem

If the command to the left of a pipe (in this example, the echo command) were to fail, the error message it causes would still get piped into the command to the right of the pipe (the grep command) because an error message is still valid output. The pipefail option changes this behavior and causes the script to exit if any command in a pipe chain causes an error.

This script will use Redis’s scan command to iterate over every key in your database. However, scan can only iterate through one database at a time, which means if you have keys stored in multiple databases you must be able to specify which database you want to scan and then migrate. Similarly, the migrate command that this script will use requires you to specify the logical database on the target instance to which you want to migrate data.

Because of this, this script will require users to pass numbers representing both the source database and the target database on the managed Redis instance as command line arguments. To this end, add the following if/then statement:

set -euo pipefail

if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]
  echo "Migrate Redis keys to a DigitalOcean Managed Database"
  echo "Usage: $0 [source database] [target database]"
  exit 1

This statement checks whether the number of arguments passed to the script is less than 2. If so, it prints a message reminding the user of the function of the script as well as how to invoke it correctly. It then exits immediately, and the if/then statement closes with fi.

Next, define the following variables:

  • sourcedb: The script will use this variable to refer to the logical Redis database on the source instance. Set it to the first argument passed to the script when invoked (${1})
  • targetdb: Similarly, the script will use this variable to refer to the logical database on the target instance. Set this variable to the second argument passed to the script (${2})
  • cursor: We’ll go over how the script uses this variable shortly. For now, just set it to -1.

The new lines declaring these variables should look like this:

. . .
  exit 1


Managed Redis instances typically require users to submit a password to authenticate. Rather than hard coding passwords into this script, add the following highlighted lines to set up a couple prompts which will ask the user to enter the passwords for both their local and managed Redis instances.

The first and third of these new lines use Bash’s read builtin. read will read a single line from standard input and assign that value to a variable name passed to it as an argument. Both of these lines include the -s option, which prevents read from echoing input in the terminal, which is important for sensitive information like passwords. Both also include the -p option, which allows you to output the string immediately after it as a prompt before attempting to read any input.

The first line will prompt you to enter the password for your local Redis instance, and the third will prompt you to enter your managed Redis instance’s password. The line between them will print a blank line, causing the second prompt to appear on a new line. This will help make both prompts more readable in a terminal:

. . .

read -s -p "Enter your local Redis password: " localpw
echo ""
read -s -p "Enter your managed Redis password: " managedpw

Next, add the following while loop. This checks whether the cursor variable defined previously is not equal to 0. If so, it will perform every command within the loop until it reaches done:

. . .

read -s -p "Enter your local Redis password: " localpw
echo ""
read -s -p "Enter your managed Redis password: " managedpw

while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do


Because cursor was initialized to -1, that means this while loop will always run at least once.

Within the while loop, add the following highlighted if/then statement. This one checks whether the cursor variable is equal to -1 and, if so, sets it to equal 0:

. . .
while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do

  if [[ "$cursor" -eq -1 ]]


Redis’s scan command allows for a few options, but only requires one argument: a cursor value. If you imagine a Redis database as a long list of randomly assorted keys, a cursor value of 0 tells scan to start iterating from the very first key in the list. Every time scan runs, it will return a new cursor as the first line of its output with a limited number of individual keys on each subsequent line, usually between ten and twenty.

To iterate through every key in a database you must continue calling scan, each time replacing the cursor with the updated cursor from the previous call’s output until it returns a cursor of 0. This indicates that scan has completed a full iteration.

This is why we initialized cursor to -1 only to immediately reset it to 0 with this addition: in order to perform a complete iteration, this script will need to call the scan command multiple times, using 0 as the initial cursor and then, on each subsequent call, the cursor returned by the previous iteration. The loop should only stop when the last scan call returns a cursor of 0.

Note that scan does not return negative cursor values, so initializing cursor to -1 will not cause any problems.

Following the if/then statement, but still before done, add a line that defines a new local variable, reply, and sets its value to the output of a scan command executed with the redis-cli client.

This redis-cli command includes the -a option followed by the localpw variable. Assuming the user enters the correct password for the local Redis instance when prompted, the -a flag will use that password here to authenticate. It also includes the -n flag. This tells redis-cli which of Redis’s logical databases to connect to, as defined by the sourcedb variable:

. . .
while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do

  if [[ "$cursor" -eq -1 ]]

  reply=$(redis-cli -a "$localpw" -n "$sourcedb" SCAN "$cursor")


Next, add another if/then statement. This one tests whether the reply variable is a null value and, if not, it executes all of the statements between then and fi:

. . .
while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do

  if [[ "$cursor" -eq -1 ]]

  reply=$(redis-cli -a "$localpw" -n "$sourcedb" SCAN "$cursor")

  if [ -n "$reply" ]; then



Within this if/then statement, add the following lines. The first displays the contents held in the reply variable and then pipes them as input into a tail command.

You could pass the result of echo "$reply" directly into the following while loop, but this would also pipe the first line which, as mentioned previously, holds the updated cursor value. This would cause Redis to attempt to migrate a nonexistent key which could cause an error, or at least unnecessary extra work for your server.

To get around this, we pipe the reply contents into the tail command which includes the -n +2 argument. This tells tail to start reading from the second line before piping each line into the while loop.

This while loop reads each line of reply one by one. Every time it reads a line, it assigns that line’s contents to a new variable, key. The loop will execute the commands between the do and done statements until it has read through every line.

Note the inclusion of IFS=. This is short for Internal Field Separator, which is a variable that defines the character or set of characters used to separate a pattern. By leaving it blank, it ensures that the read process will split up reply at the end of every line:

. . .
while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do
. . .
  if [ -n "$reply" ]; then
          echo "$reply" | tail -n +2 |
          while IFS= read -r key; do



Within this while loop, add the highlighted line. This is the command that performs the actual migration:

. . .
while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do
. . .
  if [ -n "$keys" ]; then
          echo "$keys" |
          while IFS= read -r key; do
                  redis-cli -a "$localpw" -n "$sourcedb" migrate localhost 8000 "$key" "$targetdb" 1000 copy auth "$managedpw" >/dev/null 2>&1


This command invokes the redis-cli client program and authenticates to the local Redis instance with the localpw variable before connecting the logical database entered by the user (represented by the sourcedb variable). It then calls Redis’s migrate command which requires you to pass the IP address or hostname of the target Redis instance’s server, as well as the port on which it’s running. Then, it passes the name of the key to migrate (as represented by the key variable) and the database on the target Redis instance where the key should be migrated to (represented by targetdb).

Next is a number representing a timeout. This timeout is the maximum amount of idle communication time between the two machines. Note that this isn’t a time limit for the operation; it just means that the operation should always make some level of progress within the defined timeout. Both the target database number and timeout arguments are required for every migrate command.

Following the timeout is the optional copy flag. By default, migrate will delete each key from the source database after it transfers them to the target; by including this option, you’re instructing the migrate command to merely copy the keys so they will persist on the source.

After copy comes the auth flag followed by your managed Redis instance’s password. This isn’t necessary if you’re migrating data to an instance that doesn’t require authentication, but it is necessary when you’re migrating data to one managed by DigitalOcean.

Lastly, this line includes /dev/null and 2>&1. /dev/null redirects the command’s standard output to the /dev/null file, a null device which immediately discards any data written to it. 2>&1 redirects the command’s standard error to standard output, which means that, thanks to the /dev/null right before it, any potential errors are also immediately discarded.

Finally, add the following highlighted line after the if/then statement, but before the outer while loop’s done statement. This line updates the value held by the cursor variable to the cursor value held in the reply variable. It does this by evaluating reply with the expr utility and searching for the first value that matches a regular expression ('\([0-9]*[0-9]\)'). Because of how the scan command’s output is formatted, this regular expression will always match the correct cursor value:

. . .
while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do
. . .
  if [ -n "$keys" ]; then
          echo "$keys" |
          while IFS= read -r key; do
                  redis-cli -a "$localpw" -n "$sourcedb" migrate localhost 8000 "$key" "$targetdb" 1000 copy auth "$managedpw" >/dev/null 2>&1

  cursor=$(expr "$reply" : '\([0-9]*[0-9]\)')


All together, the script should look like this:


set -euo pipefail

if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]
  echo "Migrate Redis keys to a DigitalOcean Managed Database"
  echo "Usage: $0 [source database] [target database]"
  exit 1


read -s -p "Enter local Redis password: " localpw
echo ""
read -s -p "Enter managed Redis password: " managedpw

while [[ "$cursor" -ne 0 ]]; do

  if [[ "$cursor" -eq -1 ]]

  reply=$(redis-cli -a "$localpw" -n "$sourcedb" SCAN "$cursor")

  if [ -n "$reply" ]; then
          echo "$reply" | tail -n +2 |
          while IFS= read -r key; do
                  redis-cli -a "$localpw" -n "$sourcedb" migrate localhost 8000 "$key" "$targetdb" 1000 copy auth "$managedpw" >/dev/null 2>&1

  cursor=$(expr "$reply" : '\([0-9]*[0-9]\)')


Double check that you’ve added each line correctly, and then save and close the file. If you used nano to create the script, do so by pressing CTRL + X, Y, then ENTER.

To wrap up the creation of the script, mark it as executable with chmod:

  1. sudo chmod +x redis-migrate.sh

With that, you’re ready to use the script to migrate your Redis data to a managed Redis instance.

Step 4 — Migrating Your Redis Data

To migrate your Redis data with the script you created in the previous step, you can invoke it like this:

  1. ./redis-migrate.sh source_database target_database

Assuming you followed this tutorial’s optional first step and loaded your local Redis instance’s default database (0) with data and you want to migrate this data to the 0 database on your managed instance, you’d use the following command:

  1. ./redis-migrate.sh 0 0

You’ll receive the first prompt for your local Redis instance’s authentication password:

Enter local Redis password:

Type your local Redis’s password and then press ENTER. If you haven’t configured your local Redis instance to require a password, just press ENTER to leave the localpw password variable blank.

You’ll then be prompted to enter your Managed Redis Database’s password:

Enter local Redis password: Enter managed Redis password:

Note: If you don’t have your Managed Redis Database’s password on hand, you can find it by first navigating to the DigitalOcean Control Panel. From there, click on Databases in the left-hand sidebar menu and then click on the name of the Redis instance to which you want to migrate the data. Scroll down to the Connection Details section where you’ll find a field labeled password. Click on the show button to reveal the password, then copy and paste it into the prompt in order to authenticate.

If you entered the correct database numbers and valid passwords, the script will migrate every key in your database and close without any further output. To test whether the migration was successful, connect to your Managed Redis Database:

  1. redis-cli -h localhost -p 8000 -a managed_redis_password

If you migrated data to any logical database other than the default, connect to that database with the select command:

  1. select target_database

Run a scan command to see some of the keys now held there:

  1. scan 0

If you completed Step 1 of this tutorial and added the example data to your source database, you will see output like this:

1) "10" 2) 1) "set1" 2) "string6" 3) "string11" 4) "string3" 5) "string5" 6) "string10" 7) "string14" 8) "string18" 9) "string2" 10) "string4"

Lastly, run a ttl command on any key which you’ve set to expire in order to confirm that it is still volatile:

  1. ttl string2
(integer) 3944

This output shows that even though you migrated the key to your Managed Database, it still set to expire based on the expireat command you ran previously.

Once you’ve confirmed that all the keys on your source Redis database were exported to your target successfully, you can close your connection to the Managed Database. If any of the other logical databases on your local Redis instance are holding any data, you’ll need to run the script again for each one, making sure to include the appropriate source and target databases as arguments. Also, if you have clients writing data to the source Redis instance and you’ve already configured them to send their writes to the target, you can configure them to stop sending data to the source once you’ve finished migrating all your data.


By completing this tutorial, you will have moved data from a self-managed Redis data store to a Redis instance managed by DigitalOcean. The Bash script used for this process may not be ideal for every Redis use case, but it works well for the use case described in this tutorial and can be optimized for other use cases as well.

Now that you’re using a DigitalOcean Managed Redis Database to store your data, you could measure its performance by running some benchmarking tests. Also, if you’re new to working with Redis, you could check out our series on How To Manage a Redis Database.

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Manager, Developer Education

Technical Writer @ DigitalOcean

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Does this actually work anymore? I saw in another thread that we can’t use redis-cli because it does not support TLS. And it says to use redli which does connect correctly.

But this entire document is about redis-cli, which can’t connect to your managed redis database.

What if I’m migrating a Redis Docker container? Will it work to install stunnel on the Docker host?

Thanks for the article!

It worked well for me in a staging test with ~30,000 keys, but unfortunately there seems to be an upper-limit to the amount of keys this can migrate.

I tried it on a server with ~130,000 keys and the script never output anything, only hung and then back to prompt. In the meantime, the redis-server in the background hung / crashed / rebooted but with no data loss.

I struggled with the migration script at first because all of my keys weren’t included in scan 0 I found I could add count onto the end that is greater than my number of keys to get it to iterate through everything.

redis-cli -n source_database -a source_password scan 0 count 2500

Also redis 4.0.7 is the minimum version to support authentication with the MIGRATE command.

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